A large language model is a deep learning algorithm that can spot, summarize, predict, translate, and generate content using vast datasets. Let’s take a look at the top 10 LLMs to watch in 2024.

1. GPT-NeoX:

This open-source model excels in few-shot reasoning and content creation tasks.

Meta AI's LLaMA 2 boasts enhanced performance with specialized models like Llama Chat and Code Llam

Llama 2

This multilingual LLM from BigScience is the largest of its kind, supporting 46 natural languages.


Google's BERT leverages bidirectional training for superior word comprehension


Meta AI's open-source OPT-175B offers impressive zero-shot and few-shot learning capabilities.

6. OPT-175B

7. Falcon-180B:

This powerful model by the Technology Innovation Institute excels in causal language generation and multilingual tasks

Mistral AI's Mistral 7B demonstrates strong performance on various NLP benchmarks.

8. Mistral 7B:

This open-source LLM focuses on program synthesis, generating code from natural language descriptions.

9. CodeGen:

Created by LMSYS, Vicuna is an open-source LLM designed for chatbot development, trained on real-world conversation data.

10. Vicuna

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