Vagish Ojha
6 Oct 2023

Agile Vs Waterfall Methodologies In Custom Software Development: How To Choose The Best One For Your Project?


Agile vs Waterfall are the two software development approaches that are frequently used to finish projects. Agile employs an iterative process that changes as the project progresses. Whereas Waterfall demands that specific conditions be met before moving on to the following stage. Depending on the kind of project, both of these project management techniques provide significant advantages. Agile enables teams to work together across stages simultaneously while Waterfall requires them to finish each phase before moving on to the next.


The amount of iteration and flexibility that each offers are the primary distinctions between Agile and Waterfall. Agile is far more flexible and lets teams change their plans as they go. As a result, this strategy promotes teamwork and can lower errors because adjustments can be made to address any problems that arise during the development process. Waterfall, on the other hand, adheres to a more rigid framework and finds it difficult to swiftly adapt to changing requirements. If the project scope changes dramatically, this strategy might not be as effective as it is for projects with established goals and needs.


Table of Contents

What Is Agile Methodology?


Agile methodology is an iterative software development methodology that relies on collaborative efforts between team members. Teams using it are better able to respond rapidly to customer changes while working more efficiently together collaboratively. Its values are collaboration, customer feedback, flexibility, and continual improvement.


Agile encourages teams to break large projects down into manageable pieces, deliver working code rapidly, respond swiftly to customer feedback, and implement necessary modifications quickly. Agile also empowers teams with autonomy over their tasks without needing an intermediary project manager or lead.


Understanding Waterfall Methodology


Waterfall methodology is an iterative, linear approach to software development that has long been one of the most prevalent practices. Based on achieving distinct goals with each stage of development prior to moving onto another step in order for successful completion. The Waterfall approach must be comprehended and executed precisely for successful project completion.


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Agile vs Waterfall: Key Differences and Detail Comparison


Agile and Waterfall, software development methodologies are two prevalent practices utilized to ensure project success. Although both approaches share some similarities, there are distinct distinctions that make each more suitable for specific types of projects.


The debate between Waterfall vs agile project management styles often pits two opposing styles against one another. Waterfall prioritizes planning and breaking a project down into distinct stages. While agile emphasizes incremental progress with the flexibility to adapt quickly to changing requirements. Understanding the differences between these two approaches can assist teams in selecting which methodology is most suited to meet their particular requirements.


Basis Agile WaterFall
Approach Iterative approach to software development that allows teams to quickly respond to changing customer needs. Linear approach that requires teams to plan out every step of the project before beginning.
Process The process is iterative and allows for changes during the course of the project. The process is linear and doesn’t allow for changes once a step has begun.
Project Planning Project planning is minimal and done as needed along the way. Project planning is detailed and must be done before starting each step of the project.
Team Structure Teams are self-organizing, and can change roles as needed. Teams are assigned specific roles with clear responsibilities that don’t vary.
Schedule Project delivery is incremental and can be adjusted as needed. Project delivery follows a strict timeline with no room for adjustment.
Adaptability Agile methodology allows for changes in requirements and design during the development process. Waterfall methodology does not allow for changes once a step has started and requires teams to plan out every detail before beginning.
Continuous Improvement Agile methodology encourages teams to continuously improve their processes, code, and product by using feedback from customers. Waterfall does not allow for continuous improvement as it focuses on completing each step before moving on.


Agile vs waterfall project management approaches can be used to plan, manage, and execute projects. While Agile employs an iterative development process with frequent feedback loops and communication channels, Waterfall utilizes more linear development with predetermined stages. Agile and Waterfall, software development methodologies are two widely employed software development approaches.


Agile prioritizes rapid delivery of working code while encouraging teams to organize themselves freely while meeting changing customer demands. Waterfall requires careful planning and documentation in order to be successful, providing structure and clarity throughout the development process. 


When choosing between this methodology or others, teams should keep in mind both project size and complexity as well as customer requirements when making this choice.


What Are The Advantages Of Agile Methodology In Custom Software Development?


Agile methodology is an increasingly popular software development approach that emphasizes collaboration, feedback and flexibility for faster application and service creation while still meeting customer demands. 


Teams employ this project management method to quickly develop applications and services faster while meeting quality and meeting customer requirements more successfully. Agile and Waterfall methodologies are quite popular and are used in software development. 


Agile methods such as Scrum, Kanban and Extreme Programming (XP) all offer numerous advantages to custom software development teams using Agile practices; here are just a few:


1. Faster Delivery


Agile allows for quicker product and service deliveries by breaking complex projects down into manageable parts and producing working code quickly.


2. Increased Visibility and Communication


Agile methodology fosters more transparency of project progress while encouraging regular communication among all project stakeholders and providing for an improved understanding of its scope, direction and goals, as well as faster identification of any issues or changes before they escalate into major problems.


3. Increased Quality


Agile allows teams to continuously assess and alter their work as necessary in order to produce products of superior quality, including customer input into iterations processes for projects, ultimately producing more user-friendly end products.

4. Increased Flexibility


Agile allows teams to embrace change quickly and adapt rapidly to customer feedback or market fluctuations, giving teams greater adaptability as the needs of their customers change over time. This agility also means increased team cooperation within an Agile framework. Essential components in meeting customers’ ever-evolving requirements for services provided to them by Agile.


5. Increased Efficiency and Productivity


Agile methodology empowers the best custom software development companies to focus on one portion of a project at a time rather than trying to complete everything at once, leading to improved efficiency and productivity.


6. Cost Savings


Agile development methods help teams avoid expensive errors and rework by permitting more rapid changes throughout the software development cycle. That leads to substantial cost savings over traditional models of development.


7. Faster Time-to-Market


Agile methodology allows teams to produce working code quickly, leading to a reduced time-to-market and quicker customer responses, so the product reaches customers more rapidly than ever. It gives agile teams the edge they need in responding quickly to customer feedback while getting it out faster than ever.


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What are the Advantages of the Waterfall Approach in Custom Software Development?


Agile vs waterfall methodology are two popular project management approaches used in software development, but there are distinct differences between them. The Waterfall approach to custom software development is an increasingly popular traditional methodology used in software production. Based on an orderly and linear process, this methodology offers clear documentation of its software production cycle from beginning to end. It offers several advantages which make it attractive among many software developers.


1. Easier to Manage


Waterfall development projects can be much easier for project managers to oversee with their linear process and definable steps and timelines, making it simpler to monitor each stage as planned and keep an eye on each process step to ensure everything stays on schedule.


2. Document-Friendlier


The Waterfall approach makes documentation simpler due to its linear path from start to finish, making it simpler for project managers to keep an eye on all necessary documents and ensure everything runs smoothly.


3. Cost-Effective


The Waterfall approach is cost-efficient as it requires less resources than alternative approaches. Meaning project managers can keep costs under control while still producing quality results.


4. Easy Testing


The Waterfall makes testing code much simpler as each stage can be defined and completed before moving on to the next one, providing more thorough software testing prior to deployment into production.


5. More Predictable


The Waterfall approach offers greater predictability as its structure ensures all steps are completed on schedule and at set intervals. It enables project managers to better anticipate when their software will be ready for launch and plan accordingly.


6. Enhancing Quality


The Waterfall approach encourages teams to prioritize quality by requiring all aspects of development to be complete before moving to another stage, leading to thorough testing, greater control of code development and ultimately, fewer bugs in final products.


When and Why to Choose Agile Methodology for Your Software Development?


Agile methodology is an increasingly popular software development process that emphasizes collaboration, adaptability and frequent product deliveries. Agile development emphasizes breaking complex projects down into smaller tasks to speed the delivery of value quickly. While encouraging face-to-face communications, iterative problem-solving strategies and continuous feedback from stakeholders.


When is Agile Best Used for Software Development?


Agile development works best on projects with rapidly shifting requirements and tight timelines. Custom software development services must be adaptable when resources are scarce to prevent extra overhead costs as the project develops. They can change their plans and come up with innovative ways to keep under their budgets by remaining nimble. So that they can respond swiftly to any changes or brand-new issues that may develop, this calls for open communication between team members. Teams must also be open and honest with their stakeholders about any resource limitations and the measures they are taking to stay within budget.


Why Choose Agile for Software Development?


Agile methodology’s main advantage lies in helping teams quickly deliver working products. It is possible thanks to its iterative and incremental approach that lets teams focus on producing value in shorter sprints. While the collaborative nature helps solve complex issues quickly, the continuous feedback loop ensures customers’ needs are always being met. In addition, agile reduces risks by permitting teams to pivot or adjust as necessary during development processes.


Why and When Should You Select Waterfall Methodology for Custom Software Development?


Long renowned for its efficiency in software development is the waterfall methodology. Its key benefit is predictability, which makes budgeting and time management for custom software development projects easier because it follows a predetermined pattern of numerous steps or phases that build upon one another. This strategy is advantageous for microservice architectures and agile methodologies that have gained widespread adoption within the technology industry in recent years;Both approaches work to divide large, complex projects into manageable modules that can be completed faster with multiple teams working on them simultaneously.


When should you choose Waterfall for Custom Software Development?


Waterfall methodology can be ideal for custom software development projects with clearly outlined requirements that do not change during development, need high levels of quality assurance, or rigorous testing procedures. You can also Hire custom software development companies in the USA which provide services on limited budgets or simply want a project completed on schedule and under budget. It helps minimize risks as well as ensure projects stay within their set parameters.


Why Use Waterfall Methodology for Custom Software Development?


Waterfall methodology provides predictability in software development projects by following a structured approach, making timeline estimates and planning more precise and quality assured throughout. It also makes quality easier as well as helps teams mitigate risks by prioritizing important tasks as part of its approach.


How to manage and Make Agile and Waterfall Methodology work together?


Agile and Waterfall methodologies represent two different project management approaches that aim to get work out quickly in increments; Agile prioritizes rapid delivery, while Waterfall takes a more structured, step-by-step approach for complete delivery at one time. Though both approaches might appear incompatible, they can work harmoniously together towards reaching desired goals.


1. Establish Project Requirements


To successfully combine Agile and Waterfall methodologies, the initial step must be ensuring project requirements are clear, specific, well-defined, and accepted by all team members. It  will help determine what method(s) or combination thereof to employ for the project. This step also serves to inform which combination or methods should be chosen during the development of its plan or blueprint.


2. Evaluate Team Resources


Assessing team resources is vitally important when trying to decide the most effective combination of methods, like seeing if outsourcing or offshoring would help us. When it comes to agile and Waterfall methodology, both can be used with either outsourcing or offshoring. Evaluating this allows one to assess whether their capabilities meet those needed to utilize both Agile and Waterfall methods effectively. Doing so helps shape which approach may work better.


3. Assess Project Scope


It is crucial when using both Agile and Waterfall methodologies simultaneously that they take note of the scope of a project in order to complete all tasks within an agreed-upon time frame. 


4. Establish Communication Protocols


For Agile and Waterfall processes to work efficiently together, teams must establish clear and dependable communication protocols between themselves in order to stay aligned towards one common goal. Establish clear protocols between teams when discussing any matters related to agile or Waterfall development projects so everyone is on the same page and working towards it together.


5. Establish a Process Roadmap


Crafting a process roadmap can assist teams with pinpointing points of conflict between Agile and Waterfall methodologies and pinpoint areas where changes may need to occur – this ensures all tasks are completed efficiently and on schedule.


6. Monitoring Progress Regularly


Monitoring project progress regularly is vital to making Agile and Waterfall methodologies work cohesively. Team members need to keep an eye on its advancement so as to spot any potential issues or make any needed adjustments, so the project stays on course. 


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Real-World Examples of Agile Methodology


Agile methodology has long been utilized as an approach to project management since its debut in the early 2000s and is becoming an ever-more widespread practice within software development circles. It focused on iterative development with customer collaboration and continuous improvement as its cornerstone principles. Agile is suitable for many businesses due to its flexibility and emphasis on customer feedback; here are a few companies that have successfully adopted it:


1. Google


Google has become well known as an example of successful agile implementation in their development process, employing Scrum – an agile framework commonly utilized in software development. To quickly deliver high-quality products by breaking large projects down into more manageable tasks that can be completed more rapidly. By employing sprints to target specific goals while providing feedback from stakeholders, they achieve their goals more quickly than any other company could.


2. Spotify


Spotify has demonstrated its agile product development approach successfully by using the Scrum framework. Cross-functional teams to quickly develop innovative products while continuously improving existing ones. In addition, their internal tool, “Squad Health Check”, serves to measure progress towards the end goal and keep teams focused.


3. Amazon 


Amazon also utilizes agile methodology in their product development process by breaking large projects down into manageable tasks that allow them to deliver products faster and more efficiently. Using scrum and stakeholder feedback as measures of accountability to stay on course and ensure goals are being fulfilled.


4. Microsoft 


Additionally, Microsoft has adopted agile methodology in their product development process, using Scrum to focus on specific goals. Deliver high-quality products more quickly, as well as Team Foundation Server to measure team progress and keep teams on schedule. 


Real-world Examples of Waterfall Methodology


The Waterfall Methodology, or “Wave Model” as it’s sometimes referred to, is an approach for software development where each phase must be completed before moving on to another step in project development. It relies on an orderly sequence incorporating planning, analysis, design, coding testing and deployment phases as part of project delivery. Below are examples of companies that have successfully adopted waterfall methodologies into their processes:


1. Walmart


Walmart has employed the waterfall methodology for the development and deployment of technology systems at scale. Such as data analysis, design, coding, testing and deployment projects such as their point-of-sale systems and supply chain management platforms as well as other software initiatives.


2. Apple


Apple uses the Waterfall Methodology in their software development cycle. Their team follows an iterative, linear process to design, code, test, and deploy their projects like iOS as well as other applications efficiently and reliably. It ensures a standardized experience.


3. IBM


IBM has also adopted the Waterfall Methodology in their software development process, using it in their project planning, analysis, design, code writing, testing and deployment methods for their products such as IBM Watson AI as well as other initiatives. It has allowed for faster product creation, such as Watson AI.


4. Adobe


Adobe has adopted the Waterfall Methodology in their product development process, employing it in their creative suite software. As well as other initiatives like Acrobat Reader to efficiently design, code, test and deploy projects with the goal of quickly producing high-quality results.


5. Salesforce


In their product development process, Sales Force employs the Waterfall Methodology. Which involves linear and sequential steps such as planning, analysis, design, coding, testing and deployment to quickly develop products such as CRM software as well as other initiatives.


Important Factors That Should be Considered When Choosing Between Agile and Waterfall Methodology


When making the choice between Agile and Waterfall methodologies for software development, many factors should be taken into consideration. Each approach offers its own set of advantages and disadvantages. It is, therefore, vitally important that a decision-maker has all of this information at their fingertips in order to make an informed decision for providing healthcare software solutions.


1. Deliberating Project Goals


When choosing between agile and Waterfall methodologies for your next project. It is vital to first understand what its goals are so as to choose one which suits all stakeholders involved and can best achieve those aims.


2. Team Size and Skillset


A project’s success may also depend on which approach best matches the size and skillset of its team members. For teams with limited resources and less structure needed for completion, agile may provide more freedom while being less formalistic than Waterfall. Conversely, larger teams that can utilize Waterfall’s more structured structure might benefit more from its more controlled method of work management.


3. Project Complexity


When choosing between agile and Waterfall methodologies for projects, one should keep project complexity in mind when making their decision. If the project has many components or layers to develop, Waterfall may provide a more detailed approach. While agile could work better with simpler projects with few or straightforward components.


4. Project Budget


When considering agile and Waterfall methodologies, budget consideration should also be given due to short-term costs related to agile’s iterative nature; by comparison, Waterfall is generally more cost-effective because of its linear approach.


5. Time Frame


The time frame should also be taken into consideration when making decisions between an agile or Waterfall approach for projects, with agile typically being faster due to faster iteration cycles. In contrast, the Waterfall takes longer as each phase must first be completed before beginning another one.


6. Risk Management


An integral element in selecting between agile and Waterfall methodologies is risk management. Waterfall provides more control, with each phase complete before proceeding to the next one; on the other hand, agile provides greater flexibility but may increase risks due to the iterative nature of project development.


How do you Select the Top custom software development provider company for your project?


Selecting an optimal software development company in the USA for your project can be an important decision that could either make or break its success. Hence, taking time and doing your homework are both vital steps when selecting one. Here are a few suggestions for selecting an excellent provider company:


1. Research Your Options


Take some time to investigate each available custom software development provider, taking note of their experience, track record and reputation within the industry. Check reviews online as well as customer testimonials to gain a greater insight into each business’s operations and work methods.


2. Understand Your Requirements


Understanding exactly what your requirements for a custom software provider should be is of utmost importance. Having an in-depth understanding of the scope, features, and functionalities will allow you to narrow your search process quickly.


3. Get Quotes


Once you understand what options and solutions exist for you, contact several custom software development services for cost estimates for your project. Compare services offered against price to ensure the greatest value is being obtained for the lowest amount spent.


4. Assess Scalability


Look for custom software development providers that offer scalability options. It will ensure that your software is able to grow with your business and can handle future requirements.


5. Consider Support


Prior to finalizing a custom software development project, be certain that its provider offers ongoing customer support. For example, maintenance services and bug fixes – so as to guarantee its success. Having reliable customer service support will guarantee its success and help to ensure its ultimate success.


6. Test the Waters


Before committing to one or more custom software development providers. It’s advisable to evaluate their services first with a smaller project and gain an idea of their working style and whether or not they fit your project requirements. This way, you’ll get an understanding of whether their team fits well.


7. Ask Questions


Take time to ask about their development process and timeline, as well as project management practices and communication protocols. It will give you insight into whether their services fit with your project needs or not.


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Selecting between Agile or Waterfall methodologies for custom software development depends upon project requirements. Agile is best suited to rapidly changing projects with unknowable specifications that need to meet tight deadlines. Waterfall suits projects where all requirements are established prior to development and are unlikely to change over time.


Agile and Waterfall project management approaches both offer distinct advantages that may meet the needs of your project team. A blended project management approach may maximize some advantages of both systems without their inherent drawbacks; mixing Agile with Waterfall emphasizes communication and expectations more effectively than either approach alone.


Project managers who seek to combine both frameworks can apply various techniques at different levels of project management. For instance, project managers might find Waterfall more suitable as an overall framework. While individual team members prefer agile systems due to improved outcomes at specific points within a project. 


They are encouraging open communication among members of a workgroup. Giving team members autonomy in selecting which framework best aligns with their specific tasks can maximize both Agile and Waterfall approaches simultaneously, which can enhance our process for digital transformation.


Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!


Q1. What is Agile Methodology?

Agility methodology is an iterative software development methodology which emphasizes collaboration and flexibility. By breaking projects down into shorter cycles known as sprints, teams can quickly respond and adapt quickly to changes in requirements during development. Ultimately leading to more efficient projects with better final products.


Q2. What Is Waterfall Methodology?


Waterfall methodology is an inexorably sequential method for software development that comprises four stages – design, development, testing and deployment. Each is separated by its distinct stages, such as design, development, testing, and deployment. All stages must be finished prior to moving on to another, leading to long development times with rigid requirements and timelines.


3. Should my company choose agile or waterfall software development methods?


That depends entirely on your particular project needs. Agile methods tend to work better with projects with dynamic requirements that may change quickly. At the same time, Waterfall suits projects where all requirements for fintech software development services are set out upfront and unlikely to change substantially over time. A blended approach may also work by taking advantage of both systems without their drawbacks.


Q4. What Are Agile and Waterfall Methodologies?


The primary distinction between agile and Waterfall methodologies lies in their focus. Agile emphasizes short bursts of development followed by frequent testing and feedback cycles. In comparison, Waterfall is more of a linear process without much feedback during development.


Q5. Which Methodologies Should Be Employed in Custom Software Development?


The ideal custom software development methodology depends on your particular project needs. Agile tends to work best with dynamic, rapidly evolved projects with dynamic requirements and tight deadlines. The Waterfall is better for projects where all requirements are established early and are unlikely to change during development.


Vagish Ojha

Vagish Ojha

Head of Safety and Information

Vagish Ojha, Head of Information and Security, is a dedicated professional with extensive risk management and safety protocols expertise. His commitment to ensuring compliance and safety excellence makes him a trusted voice in the industry.

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Kelly C Powell

Marketing Head & Engagement Manager

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