The Real Cost of Developing Mobile Apps

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A3Logics 02 Aug 2024

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Are you planning to
make your own app or looking for experts? The first thing that you might think about is the cost of developing mobile apps!

The market for mobile app development is expanding. Both the App Store and Google Play have already completed 15 years of operations, but for all we know, they’ve just begun, as the rate of growth continues to rise. Each application store launches well over a thousand new apps every day, and the possibilities seem limitless.

The moment for app development for startups and business growth is now. Before approaching this profitable app industry, it’s recommended to first establish a financial plan.

Mobile App development Cost Snapshot


App Type Estimate Cost Time
Simple App Development $10,000 to $60,000 1-3 months
Basic App Development $60,000 to $150,000 3-6 months
Complex App Development from $300,000 9+ months

When beginning an application development initiative, this seems to be undoubtedly among the first questions that app companies and programmers need to have a detailed insight on. 

The most fundamental but important part of just about every developing mobile apps project is an estimated cost. The dilemma about how much it would cost to build an app for a business by contracting a custom mobile app development company versus how much it would cost to make an app using internal sources for business owners is rather frequent.

Each strategy of developing mobile apps has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s examine both in a bid to gain some clarity on each of their impact on the cost of an app’s development.

After being in the biz for some time, healthcare app development companies can acquire the essential skills to proficiently take on multi-platform functionality. App creation projects are frequently quite challenging and may require cutting-edge mobile technology, such as Machine Learning to control complex computation, virtual reality, as well as IoT, Blockchain development services and much more.

On the other hand, getting the apps developed through in-house programmers has its benefits. The project happens to stay in the hands of employees with whom you already share a professional relationship. This ensures a faster communication channel among the developers of mobile app development companies in USA as well as the owner. 

In-depth knowledge about the ongoing challenges is readily available to be worked upon. And the most important benefit of developing a mobile app in-house would be, comparatively lower costs. There are many more stats for mobile app growth and development that we discuss below. It can help you understand the costing a lot clearly.

Mobile App Development Costing: What It Depends On?


The best method to determine how much mobile app development services could cost you is to contact the developers directly. If you’re not able to find an organization to develop with then you could try the online calculator for app costs to calculate an estimate.

Imagine you want an app development firm to estimate the cost of creating an application that you have designed yourself, but do not provide the details and documents in writing. In this situation, the estimated price is likely to be an estimation.

Interesting Facts In terms of Mobile App Development Costing

However, for a more exact estimation using cost-calculating software, it is necessary to think about a number of things. They include:

Design Complexity and Number of Screens

The term “design complexity” is a reflection of the layout, visual appeal and animations, the graphics used and more. Complex designs that require intricate transitions and animations will be more costly to develop than simpler designs. Also, the number of screens within the application also affects costs. Developing mobile apps that have 10 screens will typically cost less than apps with 30-50 screens. This requires creating and designing multiple screens.

Development Process

The process of custom mobile app development services, whether agile, waterfall, or hybrid models can affect the cost. Agile development is typically more costly than waterfall because it requires more repetitions as well as testing and fixing bugs within every sprint. Hybrid mobile app development combining both may cost between. Project timelines that are shorter also add expenses due to the need for overtime. Outsourcing developing mobile apps to other countries reduces on-site costs, but it also increases the cost of communication.

Quality Assurance Phase

The use of rigorous testing methods such as Unit testing, UX/UI tests, test of APIs and performance testing, as well as localization testing, etc. enhances the quality of testing but also costs more. Quality standards that are higher and more stringent testing requirements that are in compliance can impact the quality of tests. Automated testing can save money however manual testing is necessary. Continuous integration or delivery while developing aids test, but also increases development complexity.

Number and Complexity of Features

The more the features, the more the costing. Complex features involving mobile app security and monitoring, location, camera, payments etc. can be more costly to implement than basic UI screens. Future-proofing the application architecture to permit the addition of features as time passes reduces the cost of maintenance.

Complexity of Database

The kind of database like SQL, NoSQL, Real-time capabilities, processing and storage requirements determine the cost. Data models with more complex relationships across several collections increase the development effort for databases.


A3Logics can Help You with the Process of Developing Mobile Apps at Very Nominal Costs

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Mobile App Development Agencies: 5 Key Criteria To Find The Best

There are numerous android app development companies that offer a variety of services. However, how do you find an experienced partner who is with the ability to provide top-quality products?

It is best to do extensive research and make sure that they are in line with the specifications of developing mobile apps.

Here are a few tips to help you when selecting an mobile app localization firm capable of meeting the requirements of your project and develop the application you’re looking for:

1. Align on Required Features

It is important to determine the requirements of your application, including the amount of funds that will be allocated for its development, the intended timeframe for development and also the platform to manage it.

It’s also beneficial when you learn about the top methods for mobile app development trends. This will enable you to know what kind of app you’ll need to build.

It can be extremely helpful when selecting it will be a huge help when choosing an enterprise mobile app development company since you can find an expert for your specific type of application.

2. Evaluate End-to-End Services

If you select a reputable company for your mobile app ideas that has an established track history, you’ll be assured that you’ll receive highly skilled professionals in charge of your app.

This firm will provide all the tools you require for developing mobile apps, design and testing your application and you don’t have to seek out additional help elsewhere.

3. Interview Developers Personally

When you’ve located an agency for building an app that meets your requirements, spend some time meeting with the team of developers.

Ask them about their experiences with app development, inform them about your app’s concepts, and learn what they think of the idea behind your app.

This conversation can assist you in understanding how app developers from this firm come up with your idea and are prepared to take it on.

4. Verify Their Portfolio

Request the representatives of mobile app consulting companies to identify the most effective apps they’ve developed and fully explore these.

Consider whether you like the style of these apps, and if you feel they are practical and user-friendly.

It is important to be aware that its distinctiveness is among the most important aspects of app’s success. Do you find anything distinctive regarding the apps from this company or are they just ordinary?

5. Assess Security & Compliance

It is vital to discuss your privacy and security concerns of your mobile app and personal data security.

Developers should prepare to sign an agreement on confidentiality and also reasons to choose react native for development. They must also share non-disclosure to ensure the security of your confidential information.

It is also advisable that you discuss the rights to intellectual property ahead of time. The other aspects related to privacy of personal data need to be discussed and resolved prior to establishing the collaboration.

Build Amazing Apps

How to Reduce the App Development Cost?

Although a well-designed app could transform your business idea to reality, you have been sure that you have enough money to implement it. Making your app more efficient will allow you to stay within your budget and increase your return on investment. To help you do this, we’ve listed some suggestions when you are converting your website into mobile app:


  • Begin with a clearly defined the scope of your app: Before starting the process of developing your app, ensure that you know the specific and clearly defined scope for the application. This will prevent scope creep and reduce the time to develop the app and also the cost.
  • Outsourcing development Think about outsourcing a portion or the entire development work to cross platform app development company. IT outsourcing is an economical alternative in particular in the event that you opt for an offshore company with lower costs for labour.
  • Choose the most suitable developers: You should employ an app development team who has experience developing similar products to yours. This will ensure that you don’t make a mistake and help you save money.
  • Utilize open-source technology: Open-source technologies can aid you in reducing licensing costs and help you optimize the budget for app development.
  • Features to prioritize: Prioritize the most essential features and then build the features first. This will save you costs on features that are not needed and speed up the launch of your app.
  • Make sure to test your HTML application early and often: Testing your app frequently and early can allow you to spot problems and bugs early and save money and time in the long run.
  • Make use of the tools to create apps: Use app development tools, enterprise application integration and frameworks that simplify the process of development and cut expenses.
  • Concentrate on user experience focusing on user experiences will help you develop an app that users love and use, leading to increased engagement and sales over the long term.
  • Use Agile development methods: Agile development methods can assist you in developing your app in small incremental steps that can lower the cost needed to create an application.

App Development Cost of Renowned Startups

In the course of analysing more details for successful mobile app development, we discovered many reputable startups who received the funding they needed in an initial round of funding to develop their products. Indeed, their thoughts and costs to develop apps can help you understand.


Leading mobility services
Leading Mobility Services Ranked by Brand Awareness in USA


Uber: This business has been provided with a seed capital of $200K to help implement its concepts. Uber’s revenue for the 3rd period of 2022 came to $8.6 billion. You can always connect with experts to understand the cost estimation of car rental apps.

Instagram: The photo sharing application first received $500K in initial funding to further develop the application. By 2022 Instagram was able to generate around $51.4 billion in revenue.

Tinder: The year 2012 was the time Tinder’s initial round of funding brought in $485K. By 2022 Tinder was able to generate $1.79 billion of sales.

Postmates: Postmates raised $750K in the seed round of this company. Then, in 2021 Postmates produced $730m.

Snapchat: The app for social media raised the sum of $485K during 2012. In reality the app will generate $4.6 billion in revenue by 2022.

Factors to Consider while Calculating the Cost of Mobile App Development

In general, you may determine the price of building a mobile app by looking at the rates the developers charge. For example, DevOps in mobile app development would cost $20,000 for a project that requires 500 development hours at a rate of $40 an hour. It’s quicker said than done to forecast how long it will take Android and iOS app development agencies to build an app. It greatly varies depending on the number and type of elements in the app. 

The budget for building a mobile app can be estimated using the following factors:

1) Development Rates, Knowledge Base and Skills

When hiring an app development team, prices and knowledge typically go along. Here’s a broad classification of developers available:


  • Beginner Level

If you’re prepared to provide them with some on-the-job learning, beginner-level programmers can assist in working out bugs, application upkeep, coding records, and the basic features desired.


  • Intermediate Level

Most app design initiatives and additional feature demands can be completed by intermediate-level programmers as they possess the general competence necessary.


  • Expert Level

Seasoned developers are available to oversee your mobile app development initiatives or incorporate cutting-edge app functionalities.

Although experience is the most important factor when it comes to choosing the right team of developers for building a mobile app, prices also fluctuate depending upon the expertise of a developer with certain specific technologies.

2) Android OR iOS

One of the most primary decisions to make would be deciding which platform you’d like to develop the app on, iOS or Android. Both Apple and Google have a strong hold over the app development market, which makes them both equally profitable. We’d recommend you choose the one that fits your needs in the most wholesome and economic way. Given below are the key points to remember while making the decision:


  • Android

Google created the open-source Android OS for smartphones, which seems to be built on Linux. Smartphones like Samsung, MI, and Realme are a few examples of Android-powered products. Mobile app development ecosystem for Android includes Kotlin, Android SDK and more.


  • iOS 

Apple created the iOS OS solely for its lineup of smart gadgets, which include the Apple Watch, iPad, and iPhone. The ecosystem for Android includes Swift, Objective-C (for legacy apps), iOS SDK and more.

Expert iOS App Developers

It’s crucial to remember that a skilled team or mobile app developer for hire may bypass the majority of the technical restrictions of choosing one ecosystem over another. The platform that the majority of your customers enjoy using is particularly vital. The battle between Android and iOS has been mostly mindset based. To identify which technology better suits your market distribution, proper research must be conducted.

3) Technologies for Smartphone Apps

The technology you pick as the foundation for your mobile app development eventually dictates the set of people you engage to develop the application. There are multiple technologies like cross-platform app development frameworks that you can base your application development upon:


  • Web Applications

Practically put, these are more smartphone-compatible websites than an app. These are known for fluid and user-friendly designs on gadgets with displays ranging from smartphones to tablets. For many small companies, this is without a doubt the most reasonable pick.


  • Native Applications

When an application is created for maximizing business potential using a programming language that is exclusive to the platform or device’s OS, it is termed to be native. That implies using Kotlin or Java for Android and Objective-C or Swift for iOS. That implies using Kotlin or Java for Android and Objective-C or Swift for iOS. Improved performance is native apps’ biggest benefit. 

The primary downside is that you’ll need to specially develop your app for every OS if you need cross-platform functionality. Increased future innovations in mobile app development has reflected in its costing.


  • Hybrid Applications

These apps provide you with a blend of steady performance and cost savings. Such mobile apps are built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript through frameworks that include Cordova, Ionic and more. It could be said that these are apps that contain a browser within them.


  • Cross-platform Applications

Frameworks such as PhoneGap and Xamarin let you develop the app in a single code which has multi-platform accessibility. Though they are not at par with Native apps when it comes to performance, they’re really useful for many business models.


  • Next-gen JavaScript Frameworks

There has emerged a new group of cross-platform mobile app development services that use frameworks like React Native that enable native-like efficiency and combine the capabilities of cross-platform and hybrid apps.

4) Type of Features

The kind of features that you choose to have in the mobile app decide how time-consuming, challenging or costly the development is going to be. Services like cloud application development takes a lot of time here.


  • User Profiles

The addition of user profile functionality may require anything between 15-60 hours depending upon the type (Email/social media/SSO). We recommend getting SSO to ensure additional security with seamless connectivity.


  • In-app Functions

These kinds of features include everything from maps, events, catalogues, audio or video streaming, push notifications and more. Adding these could cost you anywhere between 10-250 hours, depending upon the size and complexity of the features selected.‍


  • Application Hardware Unifications

This category covers all features that revolve around making use of the existing hardware and making it interact with the mobile app. Features such as filters for the camera, voice navigation, facial recognition, activation of gyroscope for gaming, Bluetooth connectivity and more. The development hours required for such unifications may range from 20-40 hours as per enterprise app development companies in USA.


  • Additional Aspects

You might want to keep in mind factors such as APIs, infrastructure as well as maintenance while deciding the app development budget.

5) Need For More Resources

The ability to shepherd an app through the development cycle requires more than just developers. A typical custom mobile app development company would assign at your disposal a Project Manager, a UI/UX Designer, a Mobile Developer, a Backend Developer, and a Quality Assurance specialist. Even if the majority of the cost of app development may be linked to developer hours, it’s crucial to include agile methods and QA testing bills in the estimate.

5 Hidden Costs of Developing an App


App development is complicated and requires lots of time, effort and funds. Although the initial costs for developing an app are typically the most apparent however, there are hidden costs that could increase quickly for example:

Hidden Costs of App Development
1. User Experience and Design

Making an app that looks professional and is user-friendly requires lots of design work. This could include everything from creating the user interface, to designing graphics and icons. The design costs could quickly rise, particularly if you require the help of professional designers.

2. Testing and Debugging

After you have built the app, it is important to verify it thoroughly to be sure it runs as planned. This could involve testing across a range of platforms and devices. It will take a substantial length of time. Furthermore, if there’s bugs or problems which require being addressed, it can increase the overall development costs.


Testing and Deployment stage
Budget Allocation for Testing and Deployment Stage


3. Updates and Maintenance

Apps require constant maintenance and upgrades to stay operational and up to date with the most recent technologies. This could range from fixing bugs to introducing new features. Maintenance costs by mobile app development firm can be substantial, particularly in the event that you need to ensure that your application remains up-to-date and competitive.

4. App Store Costs

If you are planning to release your app via app stores such as The Apple Store, App Store as well as the Google Play Store, there are costs that are associated with every download. The fees will vary based on the app store platform and the pricing model you select.

5. Promotion and Marketing

Making sure your app is noticed and downloaded by users takes promotional and marketing efforts. This covers everything from creating profiles on social media and websites, to running ads and promotions. This may impact the overall costs of creating an app, and it could continue to be a problem even after the app is launched.

Pricing by OS Platforms

The development price by flutter app development companies might differ depending on the OS you prefer. Let’s see how much it will cost to build an iOS and Android application. 


So. No. OS Cost 
1 iOS app $75,000-$500,000
2 Android app $50,000-$500,000
3 Hybrid app $90,000-$700,000

Are you confused by the meaning of each application type? Let’s unravel them.

iOS App

The iOS program is a portable application designed specifically for the iPhone operating system, and is designed to work natively with the phone’s main component.

The apps are designed with Swift, Objective-C, Xcode and others.

iOS app development services prices range between $75,000 and $500,000 depending on the complexity and difficulty of the idea.

Android App

The name itself suggests that they are mobile apps designed to work with Google’s Android operating system.

They work in conjunction with OS components in order to provide users with the best possible experience.

The apps are developed with Kotlin along with Java.

Making an Android mobile app can cost anywhere from $70,000 and $500,000. It is based on the complexity of the app as well as compliance laws and many other elements.

Hybrid App

When you hire mobile app developers for hybrid mobile apps, they use the same codebase and run effectively both Android as well as iOS devices.

The apps are developed by using React Native, Ionic, Flutter, Native Script, etc.

Developing mobile apps like Hybrid mHealth apps that work across platforms can cost between $90,000 to $700,000.

Average Cost to Develop an App


Average Cost to Develop an App
Therefore, if we look at the typical cost of developing mobile apps, the cost could be between
$20k to $200k depending on the platform used as well as the features and functionalities of the application as well as the user base and the complexities. But, it could go up to $350,000. The price of app development that includes traditional iOS or Android apps is typically more expensive than cross-platform app development.

According to Business of Apps, the cost for developing mobile apps with a few features could cost up to $32,000. A moderate complex app can cost between $48,000 and $42,000. The price for developing complex applications starts at $72,000.

Additionally, Good Firms also conducted a separate survey on the expense of developing mobile apps. According to their research, features-rich and complex apps such as Tinder, Uber, or Instagram will cost you anywhere between $100,000 and $185,000.

Regional Pricing Differences

A price that is high does not necessarily mean a top-quality product. It simply shows the wage variation of programmers across countries.


So. No. Region Hourly Rate, $
1 United States (USA) 120-150
2 United Kingdom (UK) 100-120
3 Australia 100-120
4 Western Europe 80-100
5 Eastern Europe 30-50
6 India 20-30

Here’s a brief comparison of the programmers’ rates in different regions:

As you can observe, the price difference is considerable.

At an hourly cost of between $120-150 dollars, it is greater to build within the US than any other country.

A developer who has similar skills to those in India typically costs between $20 and $30.

For the most cost-effective and efficient service you should opt on Ukrainian developers. They generally employ an approach that is mathematical to their code and make the mobile app more adaptable, durable and safe.

It is important to be aware that hourly rates can vary based on:


  • Programming Languages for App Development (Swift, Java, Kotlin, PHP, JavaScript, Golang),
  • Project complexity and the experts involved (programmers testers, scrum masters business analyst, project manager),
  • Their seniority level (senior the middle or their level of seniority (senior, middle, or) and their credentials (e.g. Master’s degree and other certifications).

The more details you can gather the more prepared you’ll be to assess the proposition.

These costs will allow you to make a design of an application that will meet the requirements of your business.

Up City also created a mobile app development guide on “How much does it cost to hire mobile app development services in the USA?” The report also outlines the cost of an application for each stage of development. It is estimated to cost about $10,000-$15,000 in the discovery phase, for the discovery phase, $10,000 to $15,000 is the median price for designing an app. It is $5,000 to create an app that has advanced features such as notification and analysis. Maintenance, testing and support phases cost approximately $5,000 to $10,000.

How A3Logics Can Help You Optimize the Cost of App Development?

It isn’t easy to locate the best app development companies. There are many factors to think about, which can seem daunting. However, app developers at A3Logics will work with you to design an app that is secure and scalable regardless of an extremely limited budget. Well, here’s how:


Understanding your Requirements

We begin by spending as long to comprehend the requirements of your business, such as your business objectives, your desired audience and budget. So, this knowledge helps us formulate an approach that will meet your needs while remaining in your financial budget.


The Right Choice of Technology

Our experts will help you select the appropriate technology stack for outsource app development service needs. Also, this can dramatically impact the price of developing mobile apps. We suggest making use of the most recent technologies and frameworks that will reduce development time and cost.


A Detailed Plan

We will provide you with the complete proposal, which outlines the extent for the task, the timeframe and budget. This document will assist you be aware of what you’re spending money on and the kind of service you are getting from us.


Offers Cost-effective Solutions

We’ve developed an economical enterprise mobility solutions for your project. Also, with our extensive knowledge and experience in development we have found ways to cut down on the cost of creating an app without sacrificing quality.


Offering Regular Updates

We provide you with regular updates regarding the progress of your project. We let you monitor costs and make any adjustments needed to remain within your budget.


Quality Assurance and Testing

Testing and Quality Assurance are crucial components as per most trending apps In USA. We have an entire staff of testing experts along with quality-assurance experts to make sure that your app is not prone to bugs and is in compliance with your needs. Also, this will allow you to save money on rework later.


Support for Post-development

We provide post-development support from beginning to end to ensure that your app is functioning properly and that any issues are addressed quickly. So, this could save money in the long term by eliminating any issues in the future or issues that might need additional development time and cost.


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These statistics are simply approximations, so the actual costs of your mobile app development project may differ. In reality, hourly engagements will probably fluctuate each week based on the needs of the project. Also, the amount of time contributed each week can impact how long the project runs.

You could also consider hiring an app developer for the project with years of experience and knowledge. An excellent choice for micro-businesses on a budget, contracting freelancers allows you the opportunity to assemble your ideal team and modify the total cost of the job. A worldwide talent pool is also available to develop mobile apps. So, the trick is to make sure that your business is capable of addressing the obstacles associated with managing this extra agility.

FAQs About Mobile App Development Cost

What is the time frame to create an application?

Similar to calculating the price for developing mobile apps is contingent on a few factors.  Also app development time is also influenced by factors such as the experience of the team that develops it and the technology employed as well as the engagement model that is used as well as the degree of difficulty of the app and the features needed as well as other factors.

How do you choose the best mobile app development companies in the USA?

To choose the ideal app development companies in option, you need to define an app’s purpose, outline the requirements for development and app scope Plan your budget, determine a realistic deadline for your project and select a on demand app development framework or engagement model, and conduct market research, narrow down the list of mobile app development firms within your desired locations examine their portfolios and then talk to them all in order to select the one. Also, this is the way to go about it. 

How can mobile apps earn money?

Developing mobile apps can be monetized via in-app ads such as in-app purchases, subscriptions and paid apps, bringing sponsors to join and many more. So, for more information, you can always consider hiring a mobile app developer at A3Logics and get all the support you need. Good luck!