Roopali Joshi
14 Aug 2023

How to Handle Social Media For Mobile App Launch


We all know how social media plays a pivotal role in creating pre-launch publicity. Building awareness for your app early on increases interest and attracts initial users. In this post, we outline several effective approaches that can help you make the most out of it. But, it is important that you always consider taking the assistance of the experts where you can avail maximum gain.

Today social media channels have become an extended hand to all of us. Not only individually can you gain followers, but as a firm also, you can enhance your online presence. So, it is important that you find a way out with which you can make the most out of your social media presence. If this is done right you can have the launch as per your needs and requirements. It can certainly give you the gains and attention you are looking for. But, it is important that you take the support of the right mobile app development company. It can allow you to have experts at your service.

So, let’s not waste any more second and jump into the different sections where you can get complete understanding of the aspects of how social media can help you gain maximum out of it for your mobile app launch.

Facts That Shows Major Contribution of Social Media Benefits


Standing out can be challenging in an already competitive marketplace. Your app needs visibility to attract users but creating an effective marketing plan takes time and dedication.

Smartphones largely function through apps. This shows that competition for app usage increases rapidly as more consumers adopt smartphone smartphones.

The team has invested many hours creating the app you envision for your company and discussing possible designs before writing codes. It should not go without saying that social media should play an integral part in its launch, particularly given there are 2.7 billion smartphone users and over 2.1 million apps currently living on the App Store!

This is why successful social media campaigns are key in spreading word of your new app to users. Not only this, it creates direct communication channels between consumers and your brand. They allow direct engagement of all kinds for greater brand loyalty.

Social media, however, can be one of the more challenging platforms to manage effectively. By developing and targeting an original and effective campaign on this channel, organizations can increase user engagement and app downloads.

Making your app stand out in a competitive market can be critical to its success, so effective promotion is of utmost importance for its launch. There are numerous strategies you can employ – email campaigns or banner ads on company websites being among them.

However, one of the key and hardest ways of advertising an app’s launch would likely be social media, where no sender reputation or getting emails opened has to be considered when communicating your app launch message. This is why let us provide some key strategies for an efficient launch campaign. It is where you can always take assistance from the android app development agency and get all the support you are looking for before mobile app launch.

Hopefully you have clarity about the importance of social media before mobile app launch. Now, we have come to the primary section of the article where we discuss all about the approach to be taken for mobile app launch. Let’s begin.


What Are the Necessities That You Need To Focus On


Prior to your mobile app launch, your main objective on social media should be getting people signed up as early users for it. This may involve placing call to actions buttons on accounts as well as reminders and links. Always keep this goal at the forefront when considering all other necessary aspects of social media promotion. Below are the necessary steps that you must take as suggested by the enterprise mobile app development experts to gain maximum before your mobile app launch.


Consistent Efforts


Before releasing an app, social media accounts must first be created. Don’t open accounts on every platform you can think of; select two or three which you think best suit it for your app; we recommend starting off with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as the foundations. When using multiple platforms at once it is also key that the brand and voice remain consistent across them all; potential users tend to respond better when products sound human-run rather than robotic-run.


Organic Growth


Once you’ve finalized the aesthetics and content for your account pages, creating some buzz may feel challenging at first; here are a few simple strategies for getting going:

  • Ask all the follow the respective company page in all channels.
  • Ask people to share and invite more,
  • Then you must like, comment and follow other similar pages/accounts
  • Connect your app website directly to social media accounts via links from its URL.

By following these five steps, you’ll begin building up an audience around your app as suggested by the top Android and iOS app development companies. While promoting through external means is still key, your focus must remain on maintaining an identity while expanding on it as part of an audience.


Working On Engagement


Content and engagement includes updating and responding to others regularly, without solely self-promoting yourself or the app you create. Aim to combine updates with relevant shared content relevant to the app that demonstrates why they need it and create your own blog posts, infographics, images if appropriate.

Do not be reluctant to provide updates about your app as well, such as screenshots or news about progress. Sharing these can really get people excited for what lies ahead with their product! To know more you must connect with the mobile application development consulting services experts. They can guide you through the process.


Proper Scheduling


Knowledge about when and how often to post on each account comes largely through trial-and-error. You need to spend some time monitoring both user engagement and your own accounts to figure out what works for you best.

As a rule of thumb, posting should take place multiple times daily on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and 5-10 times on Twitter. Facebook should post in the early afternoon for optimal results while lunch and post workday are best times for Twitter posting. LinkedIn prefers weekday business hours while Instagram generally shows consistent usage throughout the day. When selecting when and how often to post, take into consideration which time zone most of your target audience lives in when selecting post time slots – remember they could still be sleeping hours!

Posting on multiple social platforms every day can be time consuming, so we have created a handy social media management template to schedule content across your accounts. Simply add or remove platforms you are or aren’t using as needed and adjust post frequency as desired – this tool should get your started in making posts!

Hopefully, now you are clear with the steps that can help bring your social media channels to live. It is important that you now make the most of every step. Below we are not discussing the strategies that you must work on to get the results for the launch as per your expectations.


Having A Proper Marketing Strategy In Place For Double Attention


As an app publisher, it is wise to include a marketing plan early in the mobile app development process. Recognizing its value, over 98% of businesses now possess some form of documented strategy for long-term promotion of their offerings.

Even while creating the app itself, you should think strategically about ways to promote and market it effectively to your desired consumer group.

Your marketing efforts will determine how wide an audience your app reaches. Even though your app could potentially reach millions, its message could easily get lost among the 4 million or so other apps already on offer on both iTunes and Google Play stores.

Integrating app marketing tactics into your development process can add extra suspense for launch day. By teaser ads about your app to build hype among potential consumers, an audience may already be waiting in anticipation for its arrival.

Social media platforms offer a powerful means to spread app awareness. By posting messages and trailers about your app launch, you can see just how many people engage with it, ask questions about it and form relationships before ever using the application themselves.

Your marketing strategy is essential to the success of your app, which means taking care to integrate promotional efforts throughout its creation.


Target Base Research


Your potential app audience is expansive; however, appealing to all will prove an impossible challenge; in fact, trying to please everybody could result in displeasure among some users and ultimately no satisfaction being brought forward from your efforts.

Find Your Niche! Do some research into who are ideal consumers of your app. Your marketing initiatives must focus on reaching this specific group to build lasting relationships between yourself and that user base.

Your efforts may focus on age, gender, income and lifestyle factors; for instance if your target market consists of 40-year-old women instead of 12-year-old boys then ads tailored specifically towards this audience would change accordingly. Psychographics is even more crucial – taking into account dreams, fears and aspirations amongst your target group members is vitally important when developing effective advertising messages that resonate.


IKEA furniture app targets couples or families undergoing home renovations or moving. Users of this application are able to take photos of their house before placing IKEA pieces via augmented reality into each room of their residence.

IKEA recognizes its primary consumer base consists of families between the ages of 25 and 65; its ads often incorporate family elements and feature DIY aspects that personalize furniture even further. Their target consumer is independent-minded families looking to establish homes together.

Researchers should assess who responds best to your app and create an advertising campaign directed toward this audience in order to boost potential downloads.


Working On Unique And Engaging Content


Maintain a distinctive style and tone across social media. Over a third of businesses primarily rely on this medium for marketing efforts; you must therefore craft posts easily identifiable under your brand.

Social media provides you with an opportunity to directly reach your target users and interact with both visitors and consumers to provide them with a unique brand experience. Give your app an individual identity by distinguishing its voice among competitors.


Netflix uses humor in their post to appear as though someone is directly talking to its followers:


Netflix uses social media to engage its customers and attract potential users, making their app even more alluring to potential subscribers. The above tweet is an effective example; it makes people laugh while advertising a film release while sharing an interesting factoid about an important issue in society.

Develop an authentic brand voice that resonates with consumers. Add humor or facts into posts for added engagement, and establish an easily recognisable tone across platforms so users can identify it and interact with it.

Your social media can humanize your brand, encouraging visitors to download your app after having a relatable conversation on these channels.


Boost Your Apps Performance


Though billions of consumers use apps daily, most only download nine on an average day – meaning competition for their attention can be fierce! In order to increase downloads you will need an effective social media campaign which targets those individuals specifically and engages them directly.

Social media provides businesses with an accessible means to reach consumers, so take full advantage of it by telling stories of app success on posts. People enjoy hearing first-hand experiences about others using your app to achieve something real-world related to tasks at hand.

Here’s how you can harness social media’s potential for your app launch:

  • Integrate your marketing strategy into the development process to gain maximum exposure when your product or service launches.
  • Build content that makes users associate your app with an emotion or message they care about.
  • Be certain you understand who your user-base is, and direct your marketing initiatives at that group specifically.


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Tips For Successful Launch


Below are the successful steps that you must follow to get the maximum success in your mobile app launch:


  1. Understand all platforms


There is an array of social media platforms out there, and what works on one may not on another. Furthermore, how your customers engage with one platform (say Facebook) may differ significantly from how they utilize another one such as Twitter or Instagram.


Promoting Your Launch on Social Media


When promoting your launch via Facebook, create an interactive page for users to engage in various ways. On this page you could include promotions like discounts and special offers; run giveaways; run contests/giveaways as well as offering free trials of the app (if it isn’t free in App Store); provide video tutorials showing users how to use your product; post images/GIFS etc… Don’t forget to respond back when people leave comments as this allows your users to feel engaged!


When marketing an app via Instagram, keep aesthetics in mind: people on this platform often gravitate toward visual promotions with high quality visuals such as screenshots or how-to videos that provide high value to viewers. Instagram can also serve as an effective medium to acknowledge influencers within your industry or shoutout them on their #hashtag accounts! Don’t forget #hashtags either!


Twitter provides another excellent avenue for engaging with users: share specific content, organize a poll (don’t forget to reveal the results!), update followers with news about your app or seek their input if there are issues navigating it – the more engagement surrounding your app on Twitter, the greater its chance of attracting more users!


No matter the platform, engaging users of an app is absolutely critical to its promotion and growth. From newcomers and regulars alike to champion users tagging or posting about it – engagement should always come first in any promotion strategy! Show that your business cares for those using its product by listening carefully to them; value what they say; look towards them for ways to enhance and better your products or services – use social media suite to ensure visibility into all profiles while customizing each approach according to site and audience!


  1. Encourage Reviews Through In-App Promos


Do not underestimate the power of user reviews when promoting the launch of an app. User testimonials have immense clout when it comes to promotion efforts for any new project or venture, including apps.

Assume for instance your mobile app is an addictive new game with unique avatars, challenging levels and hard-to-solve puzzles; encourage its users to post positive reviews by offering rewards such as free hairstyles for 60 minutes of unlimited energy usage; codes offering 50% discount off future in-app purchases or 1,000 free coins as incentives to write reviews about it online.

Your app reward will depend entirely on its type. Get creative when planning in-app promotions – these could take the form of pop-up ads or banners on the homescreen that grab their users’ attention! Make it eye-catching so they won’t miss it!


  1. Proper Alignment


All aspects surrounding the mobile app launch need to remain aligned. Not only does this include bug-free functioning of the software on launch day, but this also encompasses consistent messaging about it and related products and services.

Establish a seamless and omnichannel experience through aligning social messaging to in-app messaging. This means your team should consider elements like tone of voice, style of speech and wording throughout. Check with the elements which will work hand-in-hand with brand colors, app design and logo elements.

Simply, these elements of your app allow customers to recognize your business. Think back on some of your favorite applications; I can spot the Spotify logo from miles away!


  1. Think About Paid Ads


Paid ads on social media provide an ideal opportunity to reach an audience that may be curious about your app but doesn’t yet know about it.

Every social media platform allows paid ads; take some time to consider where most of your audience resides and invest in making sure they know about your app, what it does, and why they require it. When targeted ads reach specific segments in an audience, downloads should increase significantly.


  1. Do Your Research Concerning Competition


Your app, regardless of its nature or purpose, will face competition within its target market.

Consider conducting a competitor analysis, to better understand who your competition is before mobile app launch. You must check what they’re doing well, and where improvements could be made. This can give your team an understanding of what expectations there are in your market. You could then take inspiration from their strategies by replicating them or building upon them yourself.

Maybe they’re spending most of their budget on Facebook ads but nothing on Twitter ads. In this case it would be wiser for you to focus your paid advertisements in those spaces where their audience is untargeted. This can help you attract some of their fans with what your app can provide them.


  1. Don’t disregard numbers


Most social media platforms provide you with all of the data necessary. This is done to assess how well your posts are doing on social media platforms. Twitter Analytics measures and tracks engagement over time with any content – be it posts, photos, videos or live streams. The comprehensive dashboard helps you understand whether the efforts are reaching their desired audiences effectively.

Take time to review what your marketing analytics tool is telling you and identify areas for improvement. Take notice of which posts are garnering the highest levels of engagement, then plan further posts along those lines. Even though these might not have been posts featuring app launches directly. Rather they might provide answers to user inquiries or even help navigate menus more smoothly. Whatever its cause it should not go unnoticed! Whatever its source, pay attention.




Hopefully you have got clarity on how you can gain significantly through successful social media management. This is quite a must for your mobile app launch. It is very essential for business to work on social media management to enhance your reach. Working on marketing campaigns and strategies can help you optimize your app. This can boost your performance and enhance your reach big time. Optimizing your application can boost online presence, brand awareness, and also connect with potential leads. So, all you need is the assistance of the experts. You need to connect with the on who can assist you boost your app’s performance. This can lead towards a successful mobile app launch. Get in touch with the top mobile app development companies to know more.




What are the reasons to work on a social media presence for launching your application?


Yes. It is important to create a strong social media presence before launching the application. It helps in the process of creating buzz and generating good leads out of it.


What are the names of the social media platforms to work on for successful mobile app launch?


It varies as per your budget and audience each. So, it is important that you work on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to gain maximum results.


Ways to use social media effectively for mobile app promotion before mobile app launch?


Few of the steps that you need to work on is creating engaging content. It must include teasers, sneak peaks of the products, and more. Make sure to run more contests and giveaways to gain more attention.


Roopali Joshi


As the COO, Roopali Joshi is a strategic leader with a wealth of experience in operational excellence and organizational growth. Her focus on optimizing processes and fostering a collaborative work environment drives efficiency and innovation across the company, ensuring sustainable growth and success.

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