Vagish Ojha
9 Jun 2023

How to Hire An Expert Salesforce Developer Team


Salesforce is one of the world’s go-to enterprise Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms across industries and business types. Both the platform’s power and its features have made it the best-in-class CRM for the past 20 years.

So as to maximize and deploy a Salesforce platform as effectively as possible, businesses should turn to industry experts. Specifically, this is where experienced, skilled developer teams who understand and are equipped to build custom Salesforce configurations are essential. Not only because of their knowledge of the field but also due to many specialist developer companies being Salesforce partners.


Table of Contents

In this A3logics explainer guide, we’ll cover the following points for how to hire an expert Salesforce developer team:


  • How development teams undertake a custom Salesforce development to successfully deliver value propositions
  • How this customer relationship management (CRM) software will guide and design business strategy
  • Core considerations for managing long-term business goals and targeting a unique value proposition through a scalable custom development
  • What to look for in a Salesforce developer company team and steps for hiring developers
  • How to make it a positive professional relationship
  • Examples of a successful Salesforce developer hire for custom platforms


Now let’s unpack all of these points over the course of this article so businesses can invest in Salesforce development.


How the decision to hire Salesforce developer will successfully deliver a unique value proposition


Basically, every business owner will be concerned with the question of how a developer team helps them use Salesforce software. As a matter of fact, the answer to this question concerns configuring the software to be a custom solution. Overall this incorporates, the planning, development, testing, deployment, maintenance, and scaling. On the one hand, businesses can certainly use Salesforce software without custom development and the base CRM is definitely robust. On the other hand, developer insights guide everything from assessing and choosing Salesforce module ‘clouds’ to integration with other software.

Key positive unique value proposition (UVP) areas incorporated in the hire of Salesforce developer professionals


  •  Custom Salesforce development

Only experienced developer teams are knowledgeable about the software features and practically incorporating these based on businesses’ value propositions. Consequently, businesses are investing in a software system that is used every single day with user features targeting their needs. Not only do businesses run better but also they are redesigning their operations from the foundations i.e. their UVP.

  • Deployment campaign


Although the platform is important, getting the software deployment right is equally imperative. Because not getting deployment right can actually sabotage entire businesses in the short-term and long-term, expert insights matter. When businesses hire Salesforce  professionals, they are investing in the end-to-end process of engineering through to implementation. Subsequently, this keeps the UVP front on mind while ensuring the Salesforce development is ideated, tested, and aligned with businesses.

  • Maintenance and resolving problems


Following the deployment, the day-to-day is another major priority. As a matter of fact, another common problem for businesses is either tools not working properly or problems going unsolved. While IT staff can help with this, a Salesforce developer team hire is going to oversee what’s happening with tools. In truth, this means that they’re keeping track of software performance while also ensuring that the UVP is continually upheld. What’s more this means that every business’ Salesforce tool is working and therefore they’re delivering on their UVP to stakeholders.

  • Scaling the custom platform


In time, nearly all businesses want to evolve their offering so they can continue to grow operationally and financially. Due to Salesforce being a product that’s designed for scaling, this is, yet again, why Salesforce developer teams make sense. In short, the software is scalable for both new product modules and business needs so a developer company can scale. Once preliminary development consultation happens, businesses can work with Salesforce developers to incorporate their long-term goals. In effect then, the developers will ensure that any product components can be built upon or allow for introducing features. Owing to this, businesses can focus on using Salesforce while being secure about the future scaling pathways open to them.


Hire a Salesforce developer company for a custom Salesforce development that strategically addresses long-term business goals


Now that we’ve looked at the connection between the UVP when businesses undertake a Salesforce developer hire, let’s review strategy. On the whole, every smart business owner or management team should be choosing software in line with their strategic plan. Seeing that a strategic plan incorporates long-term business goals set for a measurable period of time, Salesforce comes under this definition. Therefore, businesses should classify a scalable, custom Salesforce development hire as part of their long-term goal strategy.


Why businesses that hire Salesforce development teams are strategically managing long-term business goals


  • What are the benefits of doing this?

Firstly, the obvious benefits of basing software tools on strategic goals are that businesses explain these to developers during consultation. After that they can be planning both the testing and deployment then maintenance and scaling on the strategic objectives. Concurrently, this ensures that businesses can be extracting and analyzing performance, profit, and stakeholder data to measure strategic. For example, this incorporates factors such as operational improvements or barriers to success.


  • What are the common business goals?


Secondly, there are many common business goals beyond profits that businesses concentrate on in strategic planning. For instance, businesses might be seeking to improve customer satisfaction data and customer retention. Another common goal is businesses seeking to improve productivity through tools and internal systems such as custom software integrations.


  • How does using a CRM like Salesforce make this possible?


Thirdly, Salesforce is objectively a business software tool that was developed to make businesses operate more effectively. Both the qualitative and quantitative success metrics are part of the CRM design. Chiefly, the Salesforce CRM is designed to streamline, simplify, and improve customer care and sales without stripping down services quality. Because the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) are customizable and fast, this enables swift staff navigation. Further to this then this helps teams work together more effectively as all customer data is in one place. Even more importantly, this contributes to faster problem-solving for the organization and customers alike while overcoming departmental silos. By comparison, many businesses currently use a variety of tools to complete all of these tasks. Conversely, Salesforce cohesively brings software systems into one CRM. Additionally, developers can build more modules on top improving operations further for dynamic business strategies that uphold strategy.


  • What areas of the CRM can address this ?


Fourthly, the Salesforce CRM incorporates extensive technical offerings that boost businesses in operations, administration, and technical insights. As shown above, the CRM brings together all desirable features in any enterprise software. At the same time, the software is built with proprietary technology such as Salesforce Einstein AI and algorithmic functionalities. Notwithstanding the direct benefits in workflow such as automation and streamlining tasks, this technology results in better analytics reporting. Equally, the conversational AI and generative AI technology means customer care can be diversified according to customer needs. Altogether, these advancements are part of the Salesforce features while the CRM architecture delivers a secure UI simplifying worker operations.


  • How can customer experience be measured as well and used as a specific barometer for a successful UVP?


Lastly, businesses can access extensive data using the Salesforce CRM reporting functionalities. For one thing, when businesses use Salesforce they can securely automate data management, reporting, and analysis that achieves ongoing reviews. What this means is that they’re better positioned to review how they’re going and concentrate solely on data insights. Prior to these kinds of systems, team members were dedicated to organizing and maintaining this reporting which could be cumbersome. For that reason, businesses can now measure customer experience through figures including retention, feedback, and service speed. In order to evaluate these insights in relation to the UVP and strategic planning, businesses can prioritize certain data sets. So as to decide this during Salesforce development, businesses could choose to refer to lead generation, conversion, and service requests. Since all this data goes through the CRM, businesses can then evaluate in one place and swiftly make necessary changes.


How businesses prepare to hire Salesforce developer teams to undertake a custom Salesforce development


Without reservation, all businesses need to approach how they hire a Salesforce developer company with clear objectives. Unquestionably, they should have a thorough understanding of precisely what services a developer company offers them. As we know from industry insights, “Salesforce is a comprehensive platform that offers a wide range of features and functionalities to support various business processes.” Nevertheless navigating Salesforce software properly in order to maximize the tailoring opportunities is what writer Nadia Reckmann recommends. They explain Salesforce in terms of its, “sheer number of features, third-party integrations, customization and add-on options available”. Further to this, when businesses approach the development process as a custom solution, they benefit from using flexible, professional tools.


Following on from this, let’s look at what businesses can expect when they hire Salesforce developer teams

  • Insights through expertise, qualifications, and transferrable specialist experience — Without question, a Salesforce developer company brings industry-standard nous. Specifically, this cumulative set of aptitudes, soft skills, and hard skills mean the Salesforce developer hire is money well spent.
  • Development steps — Building on these insights is a thorough development process of proven, comprehensively fulfilled custom Salesforce developer steps. In like fashion, these experts deliver knowledge and understanding that they’ll apply to technically devising and engineering a custom development. In order to develop custom solutions for businesses aligned with their strategic needs, developers will consult, research, ideate, and test.
  • Deployment — Thereafter, developers refine and ready a workable Salesforce product that can be swiftly and smoothly deployed for business clients. Simultaneously, the deployment phase incorporates integration with other business tools.
  • Maintenance — Once Salesforce is deployed, developers will monitor the platform and resolve any issues that arise. Accordingly, they will also make scaling recommendations.


How development teams will undertake the custom Salesforce deployment to successfully deliver on the UVP


  • Consultation — Throughout the initial hire process, a Salesforce developer company will have a preliminary consultation with the business client. Afterwards if businesses sign on, then more in-depth consultation happens to establish needs, goals, and the UVP.
  • Target market research — Of course comprehensive market research is also necessary and this is where the development team can incorporate experience. For example, they may refer to similar industries or comparable target markets to begin devising the Salesforce use tactics.
  • Beta testing — This phase of development occurs once an ideation beta platform is ready. So that businesses can try out their product with users — both internal and external — and then decide on changes.
  • Client follow-up — Finally, once the platform is deployed the developers will review with businesses to evaluate usage. While this happens, the developer company and businesses will liaise about success metrics to evaluate any changes or scaling needed.


What to look for when researching how to hire Salesforce developer services


What to look for in a Salesforce developer company team is the next part of this article. Undeniably many businesses will research these professionals as they plan their Salesforce investment. Prior to signing on to hire a Salesforce developer company, businesses should consider the following factors feeding into development outcomes.


What businesses should consider when they hire Salesforce developer services


  • Qualifications


It’s important to look at what professional qualifications the Salesforce developer team holds. When businesses review this, they should also check if the developers hold certifications in Salesforce Technical Architecture and Consulting.


  • Experience

Alongside the qualifications are how these are proven through their industry experience. Overall, an established Salesforce developer company should have both diverse and specialist experience transferrable to every client’s business.


  • Ecosystem partnership


One prominent drawcard of choosing a professional Salesforce developer service is the Salesforce ecosystem partnership. For this reason, Salesforce has formal partnerships with certified ecosystem partners who can integrate modules and add new platform features. Unlike developer companies without this partnership, ecosystem partners have an extra certification they use to benefit custom business software.


  • Testimonials


Following on from experience is the demonstrative value of testimonials. Above all, these are a proven way to review and understand the contributions of developers to other businesses. Both testimonials for the relevant industry and wider business leaders are relevant as they show dynamic project experience. Furthermore this indicates that these prior clients were happy with services and the final Salesforce platform.


  • Consultation offering


High caliber professional software developer companies should always offer preliminary consultation to help evaluate business needs. Not only to begin establishing the working relationship ahead of formal commitments but also to confirm if development is required. In the case that a business has appropriate tools and simply needs systems assistance, this kind of offering reflects professionalism. Equally, this early evaluation helps businesses looking to hire a Salesforce developer check if it’s a good cultural fit.


  •  Development process documentation


In addition to experience and testimonials, it’s also worth asking about how the company’s development process and services work. For the same reason as gaining insights into their prior projects, this will provide insights into how they approach development. In particular, this should be where businesses start to discuss timelines for deployment and evaluate the company’s development value proposition. Although efficiency is always attractive, the development process is of fundamental value and no business should rush this. Subsequently, asking questions about how the company’s development process works and how they beta test Salesforce platforms should be established. Given these points, businesses should be aware that this services aspect and the Salesforce SaaS are costs they shoulder. Thus they should spend time asking for documentation around the development process from developers plus a plan outline before commencing.


How to establish a positive professional relationship when a business is ready to hire a Salesforce developer company


Markedly, the overriding feature of a positive professional working relationship when businesses hire a Salesforce developer company is communication. Hence, the points outlined above around clarifying their services offering will help establish this early on. Additionally, businesses need to take responsibility for how they convey their UVP, needs, and objectives to achieve a productive collaboration.


Tactics for a positive working relationship ahead of a Salesforce developer hire


  • Communicate needs


More than anything, being transparent about what the business is looking for in the Salesforce solution helps establish expectations.


  •  Engage in the consultation process

This phase is focused on drilling into how the business is currently working plus their Salesforce aspirations. Accordingly, responding to the developers will help maximize the hire and positively nurture the relationship.


  • Participate in the testing phase

The next most important part of development is testing and the business should follow developer guidelines closely. Because businesses will use the software daily when they take this seriously they’ll gain more in the long run.


  • Establish goals for deployment

Throughout consultation and testing, businesses should be thinking about deployment. At the same time, early talks about this with developers will help guide the deployment timeline and competing business activities.


  • Design a deployment plan


Once initial deployment discussions are happening, businesses should actively work with developers to address their side of deployment. Moreover this is where they will need to prepare any changes to their organizational processes and work with IT teams. With this tactic businesses can adequately create a productive foundation for deploying their Salesforce development and integration with business software.


  • Seek support for preparing staff


As well as the deployment plan itself, businesses should be working with developers to keep their internal staff updated. Lest the platform be deployed without training and create more work for developers, seeking support from professionals helps plan onboarding. Instead of deploying without training, businesses and developers can devise a training framework that collaboratively engages all internal stakeholders. Meanwhile this can be a fruitful task for flagging any bugs with the software or tweaking the UX/UI.


  • Communicate maintenance and scaling needs


Lastly, businesses should consider if they will have any additional maintenance needs and scaling objectives they would like to schedule. Explicitly communicating this prompts further conversations with developers about what to expect and if the development should be planned differently. Correspondingly, this communication approach can help design the maintenance systems for businesses and establish expectations to minimize discord or errors.


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Examples of a successful Salesforce developer hire for custom platforms


Since we’ve explicated the strategies for hire and development processes for working with Salesforce developer teams, let’s review real deployments. At the present time, the following three examples of business use demonstrate the custom Salesforce solutions possible. Regardless of the industry, the business size, or its age, these case studies are deliberately diverse and dynamic in deployment.

H3> Three case studies of businesses opting to hire Salesforce developer services for custom solutions


1. Emirates Transport


Emirates Transport turned to Salesforce in order to, “transform transport and mobility in the UAE”. Accordingly this vision was brought to life through the custom Salesforce platform that integrates six different Salesforce ‘Cloud’ products. Consequently, the final “mobility-as-an-experience” offering enables a superior customer experience for logistics services across the booming region. In particular, the ability to use Salesforce to build business tools that eliminate IT and data silos is simplifying operations. Concurrently, this solution is building more effective and more connected customer experiences that are accessible through multiple user-centric portals.


2. Kellogg’s


For over 100 years, the Kellogg Company has brought cereals and snacks to hungry customers all over the world. With the 21st century here, management opted for a Salesforce custom solution to take their company data and overhaul business. Subsequently, their custom platform uses Salesforce Customer 360 and a range of AI and data technologies to celebrate stakeholder needs. Whereas some businesses move away from smaller stakeholders to grow, Kellogg’s instead is using Salesforce for multiple different B2B strategies. While some parts of the platform are used to support “mom-and-pop” operations, others are used to manage logistics. Overall, the commonality is leveraging data to target business objectives from connecting with consumers to delivering charity meals on time.


3. Carrefour

The global supermarket giant Carrefour is instantly recognizable for its trailblazing approach to immersive and inspiring retail. With its business operating across multiple countries and regions, Carrefour uses a Salesforce custom platform to wow customers beyond shopping. Though some may view the digital inshore experience as boring, Carrefour is pushing forward the digital retail experience. What this looks like using Salesforce is meeting customer needs, personalizing, and innovating across business channels — instore, mobile, and web. Coupled with customer and sales data, Carrefour leverages Salesforce for 360-degree insights of stock, customer behavior, and localized offerings.


In conclusion, when it’s time for a business to hire Salesforce developer teams it’s important to be prepared for investing. Accordingly, businesses should refer back to their strategic planning in order to clearly discuss their needs with developers. This approach will inform all development phases both during ideation and even the long-term scaling objectives. Ultimately, the goal is to get the most out of the Salesforce SaaS and this is why specialist knowledge matters. In time, this helps businesses grow and continually derive more value from Salesforce features, scalability, and integration opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Why hire a Salesforce developer company’s services?

Above all, a Salesforce developer team brings unparalleled expertise to the investment in and deployment of this SaaS. Undeniably, Salesforce is a robust yet highly customizable and comprehensive software. With this fact, businesses can therefore spend the time working out the platform themselves or hire Salesforce developer professionals. Not only do these professionals have experience with the software but also they will have industry insights and technical credentials. Subsequently outsourcing this helps businesses maximize the platform investment without taking time away from their operations which is also costly.

What should businesses look for when they’re ready to hire Salesforce developer company services?


The key points to look for when a business is ready to hire Salesforce developer services are:

  • Experience
  • Qualifications
  • Testimonials
  • Salesforce ecosystem partnership
  • Development process
  • Consultation offering

Overall the combination of these points results in a services offering that is collaborative, professional, and thoroughly established. Particularly the final point of the consultation offering is highly important and should be prioritized to clarify business software needs. In order to learn more, contact Salesforce developer team for an initial consultation about a custom Salesforce platform.

Can businesses use Salesforce software if they don’t hire a developer team?


Businesses can definitely use Salesforce, the monthly SaaS subscription, without investing in a customer configuration through professional developer services. Unlike other enterprise platforms, Salesforce is still a very user-friendly product that can be customized for business needs without developers. Nevertheless, businesses need to be prepared that independently configuring the platform may be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

What is the development process when businesses hire a Salesforce developer?

The development process for Salesforce development is consistent with all software developments:

  • Consultation for business goals, needs assessment, and unique value proposition
  •  Research and ideation
  • Prototype engineering and beta testing
  • Refinement and product finalizing
  • Deployment preparations and deployment
  • Maintenance and monitoring
  • Scaling

When a business is ready to hire Salesforce developer teams they should investigate their development process to ensure thorough services. Even if business are confident about their Salesforce services, simply beginning with an initial consultation will establish working expectations. Afterwards businesses can evaluate the hire and determine if this is the right course of action for their strategic needs.

Vagish Ojha

Vagish Ojha

Head of Safety and Information

Vagish Ojha, Head of Information and Security, is a dedicated professional with extensive risk management and safety protocols expertise. His commitment to ensuring compliance and safety excellence makes him a trusted voice in the industry.

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Kelly C Powell

Kelly C Powell

Marketing Head & Engagement Manager

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