Vagish Ojha
18 Aug 2023

Top Tips To Choose The Right EDI Service Provider


Electronic Data Interchange, commonly referred to as EDI, refers to the electronic exchange of business information using an established standard format.  Allows one company to electronically send its messages and documents directly to another company rather than via paper documents. 

Many business documents can be exchanged via EDI solutions with purchase orders and invoices being the two primary ones. At a minimum, it replaces mail preparation and handling associated with traditional communication; but its real power lies in standardizing information communicated within documents allowing a “paperless” exchange process.


Traditional invoices serve as an example of what this can entail: most companies create invoices using computer systems. Print paper copies before mailing them directly to customers for receipt and entry into their own systems. Upon arrival at the customer’s site customer often mark up and enters data directly from the seller’s computer to the buyer’s computer system via EDI systems.  Thus streamlining this process of information transfer between computer systems while eliminating manual steps of data exchange between the seller computer and buyer computer system.



Organizations using electronic data interchange (EDI) systems for their B2B transactions already use it, yet those taking full advantage of its full potential to automate business partner transactions and remove manual operations are seeing real automation benefits.

EDI software solutions provide retail supply chains with all of the agility necessary to meet consumer expectations in today’s dynamic landscape. On the consumer end, EDI helps process management pull e-commerce orders through fulfillment and shipping queues quickly to fulfill promises on delivery promises. Consequently reducing stock outs, backorders, and late deliveries which frustrate customers and potentially stock outs, backorders or failed deliveries that create stress to their customer base.


On a business level, electronic data interchange (EDI) offers many benefits to retailers, suppliers, distributors, brands, and manufacturers.  Other stakeholders in terms of speedy inventory management as well as accurate communications between stakeholders. Businesses using EDI gain efficiency while saving time, money. Scaling easily while meeting larger trading partner requirements more readily than before.


Say Goodbye to Manual Processes – Embrace EDI Solutions!


How EDI Integration Works


Although electronic data interchange has existed for years, organizations today are looking for modernization initiatives that extend EDI data integration capabilities beyond their original message to meet modern business requirements. 


Step 1:

An organization exports an important business document such as an invoice from its internal system or application – such as purchasing goods or services – using one or more third-party systems or apps. A common example would be a purchase order to purchase those goods/services.

Step 2:


An order EDI cycle document from your in-house computer system must then be converted to its required format using data transformation mapping software or any one of several EDI translators.


Step 3:

Once created, an EDI business document should be run through a conversion software to ensure its structure conforms with current EDI standards and that its accuracy meets them.


Step 4:


Data extracted from an EDI document will either be sent through a secure communication protocol such as FTP, HTTPS, or AS2, then integrated with validation software or another app; or sent directly to clients through direct connections using similar protocols.


Step 5:


Direct EDI over AS2, for example, establishes a secure channel between different businesses that allows enterprises to connect directly to trading partners without incurring document fees and gain real-time communication capabilities. 


What are the 3 Types of EDI Integration?


There are three different forms of EDI integration:, direct integration, indirect integration, and hybrid.


Direct EDI Integration:

This is created using protocols like AS2 or FTP to establish a connection from all your trading partners (customers, suppliers, and service providers) directly into your ERP. This type of direct integration is commonly known as “EDI ERP Integration.” However, direct integration may add considerable complexity if your business doesn’t follow an agreed-upon protocol for managing partner connections individually. 


Indirect EDI Integration:


When setting up indirect EDI integrations, an outside value-added network (VAN) or broker serves as the intermediary. 


Hybrid EDI Integration:


Sometimes an organization desires both indirect and direct EDI integration for optimal operation, like using VAN transmission for certain EDI transmissions while directly connecting critical customers using direct integration. Hybrid integration refers to using managed services alongside in-house resources to develop an adaptive solution.

What Is an EDI Provider?


An EDI provider refers to any company offering electronic data interchange (EDI) software or services; some, like VANs and Service Bureaus, specialize in services but they may also offer software.


  •  The Role of Outsourcing in the EDI Process


An EC/EDI relationship between you and your trading partners may become complex over time as global trade and technology change rapidly.  It may become impossible to keep pace and continue trading effectively without one! EDI Service Providers make life simpler!

Many companies opt to outsource EDI operations using service providers. This trend has gained significant traction recently and competes directly against vendors offering software.  Services for Data Transport, Data Translation, and Transformation (DTDT). Both approaches may work, although this whitepaper won’t discuss the pros/cons of either method in detail.

Service providers take over responsibility for managing the Data Transport, Translation, and Transformation components of your trading partner relationships. However, data integration component still must run alongside business applications, 


  • Types of EDI Service Providers


There are two basic categories of EDI providers. AS2 providers fall under one of those umbrellas while VAN operators fall into another one.


1) AS2 Providers


With AS2 (applicability statement 2) providers, data such as EDI and XML is sent and received over the internet using HTTP protocol (TCP/IP), using certified servers,. In today’s digital ecosystem, this method of integration between trading partners has proven extremely popular across industries and has seen extensive implementation.

AS2 can handle virtually all file formats and needs to send message disposition/delivery notifications (MNDs) when documents or data have been delivered or received by trading partners. AS2 provides an outstanding way of sending data securely and directly from one source to the other.


2) Value-added Network Service Providers


By contrast, an EDI VAN (value-added network) delivers transactions over one single connection, similar to how postal mail works – thus offering efficient data transport between trading partners via one shared mailbox service. 

Relying solely on VANs to conduct business has become obsolete due to more modernized and cost-efficient EDI-managed services and solutions that offer end-to-end connectivity as well as solutions to complex integration.

VANs first gained popularity during the 1980s due to their security and reliability; these qualities proved essential for businesses that handled bank information or other sensitive records from customers.

Connect, Collaborate, and Conquer with Our EDI Solutions


Factors to consider while evaluating an EDI Service Provider


  • What connections and integrations are supported?


An EDI Solution provider may offer numerous connections that meet your business requirements; so, before selecting them as an EDI Solution provider, be sure to evaluate how these can fit together for the best results.

Next, determine what integrations between ERP, business systems, EDI solution providers, and your ERP are necessary. Consider updating or switching out ERP as necessary – especially if pursuing an integrated solution. once selected verify whether it can integrate seamlessly into the current platform and has any required integration tools available to it.


  • What type of EDI solution would best fit your business requirements?


On-premise EDI deployment requires you to have both specialists and infrastructure for its implementation, making this method most suitable for businesses that trade with few trading partners and who ideally all use similar standards and formats for exchanging documents.

Cloud-based EDI takes place over an external network and works well for businesses without in-house resources or expertise to handle EDI transactions, organizations with multiple trading partner connections using various formats or standards, or businesses seeking increased scalability. Whichever path you take, be certain that whatever solution can integrate easily with both current and future infrastructure plans.


  • What pricing model fits you best?


When opting for embedded solutions in-house, most service providers charge annual fees; otherwise if using a VAN provider for mapping/translation solutions then transaction charges apply per transaction.

For large volumes of data exchange, all-inclusive packages may provide better solutions.

So as to narrow pricing down effectively, it is vital that you first assess the volume of data exchange. That way, you can select a pricing model which best meets the demands of your business scenario.


  • Does the EDI provider offer a secure platform?


Security has become an ever-increasing priority as cyber-attacks pose an existential threat. Also, ask about the accreditations or certifications of your chosen vendor(s).


  • What EDI solutions can I access with this software?


Outdated EDI technology that requires manual entry processing may become ineffective as your company grows and business transactions expand. An EDI solution with pre-configured maps may make data exchange much simpler – for instance when an employee posts their packing slip, the system recognizes its format automatically before processing and sending it to its designated trading partner in the background.

As an optimal strategy, check with both of your business partners about what formats are used and then with your top EDI companies in USA about all of the different kinds of formats they provide with their solutions. 


  • What type of customer support and downtime can I anticipate?


A failure in your EDI solution could prevent you from receiving and sending essential documents, so this should be considered when reviewing it. For example, receiving sales orders without responding could cost businesses significant revenue loss; make sure your EDI agreement includes response times in order to minimize SLA fines or penalties and keep business moving smoothly.


  • Are the customers and solutions user-centric at an EDI provider?


As part of your initial evaluation with any prospective EDI services provider, make sure to assess available resources and processes to address issues during and post-implementation, such as issues around customizations. If required customizations exist with the EDI vendor.


EDI Mapping and data management on an automated platform should be straightforward and streamlined so you don’t waste any time sorting data manually. Furthermore, adding business partners should be effortless as should using our solution – for instance, our customers often share feedback regarding tutorials embedded into EDI Solution that help make onboarding seamless!


  • Does your EDI provider possess relevant experience within your industry?


EDI has enabled various industries to significantly streamline communications thanks to standard formats that exist for every industry, such as automobile or retail food service providers and providers who specialize in them. An experienced provider in your sector will understand its formats as well as have relationships in your sector allowing trading partners in your sector.


  • Can My EDI Solution Scale With My Growth?


A reliable EDI provider should offer an expedited onboarding process to get all your customers and vendors up and running quickly with their solution. When scaling up, if needed.


  • Are any additional services necessary?


What exactly are you receiving in addition to an EDI solution from your provider? For example, do they include integration with your ERP, data mapping services, and translation if required? Going from vendor to vendor for every need can be time-consuming and frustrating – don’t go that route with EDI!



  • Additional Step for Selecting an EDI Partner


After considering your top 10 factors, the next important step should be checking references of past implementations. By learning from other companies’ experiences and challenges related to the implementation of an EDI solution, making a decision may become simpler and quicker. A properly implemented solution could offer numerous advantages such as faster processing times, lower costs, and increased growth potential.




EDI service provider for any business can be a fundamental choice, with different assets accessible to help with making that determination.  You ought to guarantee the supplier can meet each of your particular prerequisites also. Exploring different EDI suppliers prior to choosing the most useful one for yourself as well as your financial plan needs.

Familiarize yourself with industry norms. Each EDI support service comes furnished with its own arrangement of rules and guidelines; trying to explore them can assist with guaranteeing you find one which can meet all of your business prerequisites.



What should I consider when selecting an EDI service provider?


To select an effective EDI provider, it is crucial that you consider factors like cost, scalability, security, customer support, and data transfer speed when making your selection. Furthermore, be sure to ask whether any extra services like order management or supply chain analytics could add additional value to your business.


What types of customer support EDI service providers offer?


There is a range of customer service offerings from each EDI provider. From 24-hour technical assistance, email or live chat support to just basic phone assistance and everything in between. It is crucial that before signing on with one, they understand exactly the kind of assistance that awaits you when signing a service contract.


How will my EDI service provider customer service address any issues?


Each EDI provider should have an established process in place for handling any customer service-related problems that might arise. Make sure you inquire beforehand as to their process in this regard.


What industry standards is my EDI service provider adhering to?


EDI services come with their own set of regulations, making it vitally important that you are aware of which standards the provider abides by and ask plenty of questions regarding processes they employ in ensuring all necessary specifications have been fulfilled.


What options exist if I am unhappy with my EDI service provider?


If you are unsatisfied with your current provider, cancellation of the contract could be possible.  Or, alternative options could exist depending on how the contract terms were written. Make sure you carefully read through any service agreements prior to signing them to know about the options.




Vagish Ojha

Vagish Ojha

Head of Safety and Information

Vagish Ojha, Head of Information and Security, is a dedicated professional with extensive risk management and safety protocols expertise. His commitment to ensuring compliance and safety excellence makes him a trusted voice in the industry.

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